Anxiety, Panic and Phobias
With a huge number of people experiencing anxiety it is one of the most common reasons I see clients and is something I feel passionate about helping them overcome.
Anxiety can present in a number of ways, from general anxiety symptoms, to panic attacks and phobias, and each person will have their own unique relationship to it. This is one of the reasons why Cognitive Hypnotherapy can be effective at addressing the issue as it promotes the use of individualised treatment, which can be tailored to each client. Because of the nature of the treatment, it can be a gentle and positive way to calm the nervous system and get you regulated again.
Perhaps you’ve become anxious in social situations after the pandemic? Or maybe you’ve noticed you’ve generally started to worry about a lot of things, and have an overwhelming feeling of dread? Or it may be that you’ve found yourself experiencing the onset of panic attacks, or the early onset signs of them? Or is it that there is a very specific phobia that you would really like to overcome because of the negative impact it’s having on your life? Either way, it’s time to make a change.
Anxiety often presents itself when on some level you perceive that you are under some sort of threat or in danger. Now I use the word perceived, because the threat may be something you are conscious of, or unconscious of, and anxiety can arise from both real and imagined events (often just thinking about the thing or situation which makes you anxious can create the feeling of anxiety in the body).
Ask yourself:
❌ Does anxiety, panic or phobias stop you living the life you want?
❌ Are you afraid that your anxiety, panic or phobias will become overwhelming and you’ll lose control?
❌ Do you worry what others will think if they see you feeling anxious, having a panic attack or responding to your phobia?
❌ Have the sensations of anxiety such as sweating hands, blushing, changes in breathing, feeling hot or faint become the thing you fear most?
Would you rather?
✅ Move to a place where you feel you have more choice and freedom?
✅ Be ready to overcome this and have confidence in yourself that you can cope with whatever confronts you?
✅ Finally move worry out the way so you can feel more calm and in control?
✅ Be supported in addressing the issue so that you no longer worry about physical sensations and can move through each day with ease?
If any of these apply to you and you are ready to say yes to making the transition then you’re in the right place, because this is exactly what I help my clients to do.
Types of treatment I use:
Cognitive Hypnotherapy Techniques
Talking Therapy Techniques & Coaching Techniques
Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)
Limiting Belief Techniques
Relaxation Techniques
Visualisation Techniques
Neural Rewiring Interventions
Creative Parts Work
Inner Child & Self-Parenting exercises
CBT methods
Psycho-education & Understanding role of anxiety in evolutionary terms
Befriending and Accepting Techniques
Not sure if you’re experiencing Anxiety, Panic or have a Phobia?
Have a read through the below descriptions of common signs, symptoms and types of anxiety to see how they might relate to you.
Of course it is normal to experience some of these things from time to time, as anxiety has developed as an adaptive and evolutionary mechanism to keep you safe. However sometimes in the modern world our responses can become unhelpful to us, and in these cases need addressing.
(*Please note these lists is not exhaustive)
Common signs may include*:
• Overestimating the negative features of a situation
• Underestimating your ability to cope even when there is reasonable evidence that you will
• Imagining worst case scenarios
• Ruminating on ‘What if’ thoughts about the future
• Withdrawing from the thing or situation which stimulates anxiety. E.g. Avoidance
• Withdrawing from thinking about the thing or situation that stimulates anxiety
• Constantly seeking reassurance
Common Physical Symptoms might include*:
Sweaty hands
Increased heart rate
Digestive issues
Feeling restless
Tense muscles
Unable to concentrate
Unable to sleep.
Feeling wobbly
Feeling as though you might faint
Feeling as though you might have a heart attack
Common types of anxiety might include*:
• Social Anxiety
• Generalised Anxiety - Excessive anxiety about a variety of things.
• Phobias - Specific fears to certain stimulus, for example a fear spiders, heights, flying, blushing, certain situations.
• Agoraphobia (fear of public transport, being out of the home or far away from the home or a ‘safety’ point, fear of crowded or enclosed spaces)
• Panic Disorder/ Panic Attacks
• Presentation anxiety
• Driving anxiety